The Player's Bucket List
Some years ago I asked my players what their gaming "bucket list" was. I wanted to know what experiences they would love to have in a TTRPG to help me think up adventure ideas. Mine looked something like this:
- Have a character who built a castle in a couple of nights using stone shape, wall of stone, and fabricate.
- Command an epic Star Trek style space battle.
- Build a frontier Dominion into a mighty kingdom.
- Set off a Supernova
- Play a Barbarian that takes a crown by slaying a king.
- Play a character that invents multiple spells.
- Play a computer hacker that destroys a war ship or space station with a computer.
Its an exercise I recommend considering with almost any role-playing group. If you are going to play with these players lo g enough, putting the things they are looking for somewhwee in your world can pay off... So long as you are willing to make them work at least a little to make it happen.
The GM Bucket List
It was also an exercise I did at a time when I was really frustrated that no one else was stepping up to GM. It was built on wistful "Forever-DM" energy.
Since then I have moved in a very different direction in my gaming. First, I found some online groups where people were willing to take turns running the game. And second, I started looking at the OSR and indie games for something lighter and faster to play.
Now I have stopped worrying about what I want to do as a player. I have seen so many cool games, fun modules, and crazy ideas that I want to try that I instead have a bucket list of games and scenarios I want to do instead.
I recommend looking at your collection and putting this list together for yourself. What do you want to have run before you are done gaming? Right now this is mine:
- Run Slumbering Ursine Dunes, Fever-Dreaming Marlinko, Misty Isle of the Eld, What Ho, Frog Demons?, and a few choice Trilemma and DCC adventures and a few select modules as a DCC RPG Game with a strong Original Masters of the Universe vibe.
- Run Hot Springs Island in AD&D2e or ICRPG
- Run the ultimate Mystara campaign: Wrath of the Immortals, Adventures in Blackmoor, Temple of the Frog, Master of the Desert Nomads, and Castle Amber
- Run a multi-year campaign of a B/X Based OSR game that gets to dominion level.
- Run The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescence mashed up with Cha'alt.
- Run The Ultraviolet Grasslands and Black City, only using Numenéra.
- Podcast Alpha Blue
- Find a few glutton for punishment for The God that Crawls and Tower of the Stargazer in Lamentations of the Flame Princess
- Run an extended PARANOIA campaign that goes until the original characters are all dead to the last clone.
- Have a semi-regular Fiasco game for a year or more.
- Play at least one satisfying game of Everyone is John
- Play a surreal Overlight campaign.

Even if I don't get to run all of these, I can learn a lot about my tastes looking at these. I am clearly looking for strange sagas the scramble up science fiction and fantasy. I like games where dying is part of the fun on occasion, and I like to stitch a lot of adventures together.
This definitely helps me search for games - and groups - in the future.
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