Cover for GAZ-1 Gazetteer of the Known World: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos |
I have run quite a few games set in the
Mystara campaign setting in multiple editions of
Dungeons & Dragons. As a kid I ran a few short campaigns in The Grand Duchy of Karameikos using
BECMI. In Junior High I ran an
AD&D2e mini campaign set on a few islands between Karamaikos and The Minrothad Guilds. And I also ran a campaign that transitioned from
AD&D2e that was set ostensibly in Karameikos, the Broken Lands, and later The Isle of Dawn.
In 2005, I got nostalgic for Mystara and spent several days creating my own massive 3e conversion for it... and then disscovered the brnd new Vaults of Pandius had done a better job. Using a mix of my own conversion and theirs I ran a campaign I called "Mystara A-go-go" which involved the PCs freely travelling Mystara following clues of a dead treasure hunter from Karameikos to Minrothad to Irendi to the Five Shires, Darokin, Glantri, Norwold, and into the Thyatian Empire. (with stops in Pandius and Patera)
In 2007 I followed that one up with another campaign that strung Wrath of the Immortals, Adventures in Blackmoor, and Temple of the Frog into a single time-spanning adventure that covered the entire secret history of Mystara from Blackmoor to the Cataclysm, to the creation of the Hollow World, to the Day of Wrath.
Recently, I've been getting the Mystara bug again, but I have decided to let it be. I have two campaigns right now that are taking up enough attention. But to scratch the itch at least a little, I wanted to share a campaign idea I was working on in 2005 that I never used. Maybe someone else will have use of it.